What is Web3, Blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, Metaverse, UPSC IAS trending dose

Web 3.0 is the name given to the next generation of Internet architecture. It will be free from the centralization that is a part of today’s Web 2.0 Internet systems, which are largely regulated by tech giants such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon. Web 3.0 will include the use of technologies such as blockchains and tokens to create a decentralized Internet for online interaction and online payments.

The primary difference between centralized and decentralized communication networks has to do with the question of who has control over the network itself

In a centralized system, a singular authority or administrator retains total control over all aspects of the network. This authority is typically exerted through a central server that manages all data and permissions. A centralized network also locates all major processing power in this primary server

Decentralized networks are organized in a much more distributed fashion. Each node within the network functions as a separate authority with independent decision-making power regarding how it interacts with other systems. These networks also distribute processing power and workload functions among connected servers.

History of Internet web1, web2, web3 and difference between them

  • Web 1.0 can be related to the era of static websites. During this level, static websites were created and used to display some information. These websites had no or little interaction capabilities. It was used for the example of static content and thus added a lot of professionalism in the work of writers, authors, etc. A publisher could use the web for displaying the information, and the user can easily get access to this information by visiting the publisher’s website. Thus, this stage is also known as the early stage of the evolution of the web. During this period, only text emails could be written and sent. One could not upload or attach any images or pictures.
  • Web 2.0 During this stage, websites grew in terms of interaction capabilities. One can also relate this phase with websites like YouTube and Blogger. This phase is particularly related to social networking concepts. Berner Lee has also described it as a “read-write” web. The terms like Blogs, social media, and video streaming gained momentum during Web 2.0.
  • Web 3.0 In the context of Tim Berners-Lee’s explanation, Web 3.0 can be described as a “read- write-execute” web. Web 3.0 is the potential next phase of the internet wherein the internet will be decentralized and run on blockchain technology. As per the Web3 Foundation, Web3 will deliver a “decentralized and fair internet where users control their data”.

Difference between web 1. 0, web2. 0, web 3.0

What is blockchain technology?

Blockchain technology is a technology that leads to a chain of blocks, comprising digital data stored in a public database. It is a distributed database existing on multiple computers at the same time, which continuously grows as new sets of recordings or blocks are added to it.

  • Blockchain technology ensures the integrity of the entire process. It means that any block or even a transaction that adds to the chain cannot be edited which ultimately provides a very high range of security.
  • Blockchain is considered to be a highly secure system due to its digital signature and encryption. This ensures that the owner of the account himself is operating the transactions.
  • Blockchain technology can help in ensuring good governance. It ensures transparency of the public records through the usage of a digital form platform and allows auditing of government documents. Moreover, it allows to maintain the authenticity of the document and reduces the processing time.
  • Blockchain can help in avoiding the risk of payment losses involved in banking transactions by adopting a secure distributed ledger platform. It reduces transaction fees across cross-borders, corporate payments, and remittances.

What Is Cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency (or “crypto”) is a form of payment that can distribute without the need for a central monetary authority such as a government or bank. Instead, cryptocurrencies are created using cryptographic techniques that enable people to buy, sell or trade them securely.

What is Metaverse from Facebook

It’s a mixture of multiple elements of technology, comprising virtual reality, augmented reality, and video where users “live” within a digital universe. Contributors of the metaverse envision its users working, playing, and staying connected with friends through everything from performances and meetings to virtual trips around the world.

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